Saturday, June 30, 2007


This is my oldest son's "MOM PUT THE DAMN CAMERA AWAY" face...I see it the background is the bus station...can you guess what time it is? Let me tell you the story...indulge me for the moment...

We put our oldest on the bus at 3:00 this morning bound for Iowa...I think it is harder as they get older and start leaving. Of course he is young enough that this is a great adventure--it is scary as hell to me....but hopefully things work out, or he gains some life experience that doesn't harm him, just makes him wiser....and makes him realize Mom and Dad may know something after all. It started off a little bumpy because when we went to pick up the tickets at the bus station, I insisted on looking at them to check they were correct....We picked up the tickets on June 29 at 3:50 PM---the departure time/date on the ticket was 1:55 PM(!!) on the 29th! I pointed that out to Brandon and we went back in...the clerk was a little confused as to why it was wrong until I pointed out the time on the departure was an hour before the tickets were issued...I'm not sure why the system didn't kick that back, but it was a good thing I insisted on looking....I would have been going OKIE on their rears at 3:00 AM!! For those of you that don't know what that is---trust me, you don't want to be on the receiving end of ain't pretty....At any rate, I'm standing there as the bus is loading trying not to cry and be one of those hysterical ladies that you really only see in the I took a couple pictures instead.

The twins are having to start learning some of his chores, so let's see how that goes.

I spent part of the night getting my quilt ready to machine quilt and then sat down to do free motion quilting. There is quite a bit more to free motion stippling than meets the eye. It looks easy---it is hard getting the uniform but unplanned look! Thankfully this is my first quilt and people will cut me some slack on it. I keep telling myself that this is a first quilt and I will improve with experience. I can tell you that I will probably NOT attempt to machine quilt anything larger that a full size quilt by myself. I will send it out to be long armed....I also realized the lighting in our kitchen is not even remotely adequate for working on a quilt. I am going to set up a quilting table in Brandon's room (that is going to be converted to the guest room). There is more space and the lighting is much better.

It has rained pretty consistently for the past three days, today started out drizzling, then cleared up...I was kind of sad about that--I really like the rain. I am one of those people that would have been really well adjusted in Oregon or one of the states where it rains all the time. I love it....It looks like it will stop raining for the day and just be warm (which means humid---not a good day to make divinity)...But the good side to that is it will probably save my carpet. Muddy feet and paws abound in this house.

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