Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Happy Tuesday to You and Yours

The twins are at camp-oldest is in Iowa and Mom and Dad are left unattended. A sure recipe for mayhem....Actually we met a friend for sushi at one of our favorite sushi places, Sumo. It is a bit pricey, but good for an every so often treat. DH and I then went to Barnes and Nobles to read for a bit. I had found a really good article on constructing a lunch tote in a magazine at the other Barnes and Noble in town, but unfortunately the one we went to tonight didn't have it...darn, it figures. I guess I'll have to head over to the other one Friday. The twins come home on Friday and I am thinking about taking the day off to get things done before they have to be picked up.

I took my sewing machine into the dealer today to find out why it was vomiting thread on the underside of my quilt top when I free motion stitched...the salesman plugged it in...and it worked perfectly. Much muttering under my breath ensued. Isn't this the equivalent of taking your car to the mechanic for that funny noise that never happens in front of anyone who knows that you aren't crazy...well, at least not crazy to the point that you are being looked after by big men in white coats who don't know you've left the grounds of your home....at any rate, I left it there to at least get cleaned and serviced. although it did seem like I was rewarding it for being a bad child....I never did figure out that negative reinforcement thing in child-rearing.....I will go get my other machine from my friend tomorrow so I can at least some of my tasks done that involve my quilt I am working on.

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