Sunday, January 20, 2008

And the Gauge God laughs....

The alternate title to today's blogs was going to be " Who ME? I don't need no stinking gauge check....." but you can see how well that worked out. When you laugh in the face of the gauge gods, prepare to eat egg.... This was a pattern off Ravelry's "mitten a month along" group that I've joined. It was supposed to fit a woman's medium hand at 5 stitches to the inch. I am a tight knitter anyway and my hand is nowhere near a medium woman's, but I figured I could bluff it.


It came out to be 6 stitches to the inch (and possibly 7 in places where I was thinking of my son and his girlfriend not getting along right now Iowa...). It looks more like a woman's small or a child's large. I will be a trooper and finish the pair anyway since this is the first pair I have ever knit and then knit the next pair on a needle size up (or even 2) with bulky weight or heavy worsted weight yarn (this is worsted Cascade--it was suggested as an alternative to the yarn in the pattern) to make it fit my hand. These will be completed then given to charity. I didn't do the color stripes like the original pattern because I decided I am going to need a little more practice carrying yarns. The orange and black is for the Oklahoma State Cowboys! Go Pokes!! I grew up in Stillwater, Oklahoma --home of Oklahoma State University. Hubby did too, and his degree is from OSU. both of us graduated from the high school there and that's actually where we first met....My parents and siblings live there too.

And yes, my stitch holder is too honkin' big for this project...

I got my Ravelry invite a couple days ago. After logging in, I was simply amazed!!! Talk about seeing the light! There are communities for everything; knit alongs, patterns for any kind of project you can imagine (free and for sale) and that is just the start. It is like coming out of the cave!! I LOVE RAVELRY!!! AMAZING!! I am still figuring it out though because it looks like there are many layers and things you can do. Hopefully I will be able to figure out Flicker and get my pictures loaded of projects. There is even a spinning community on it and I'm loving it!

L-O-V-E it!!!

A friend and I did a little road trip to Arkansas City and Winfield, Kansas this weekend. It was great to get out of town. Staci and I always have a good time when we go anywhere--mainly because both of us like to take detours if we see something strange. I will show you the classic case in point in my post later tonight. We saw a really neat building high on a hill overlooking the highway and instead of just saying "Wow-that looks cool" we took the side road off the highway to'll see later. Just a little tease to keep you coming back!

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