Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Pretty Places!

I took my mother to a doctor's appointment in Tulsa, Oklahoma today...we used to live there (the twins were born there) so it was nice to go back. I ran around a little while Mom was having her tests run (it was supposed to take several hours) and got to visit the Tulsa Garden Center. My oldest and I were frequent visitors to this place and it has a huge place in my heart.So, I thought I would share just a couple treats from the day...Enjoy!
And even though there were 3 yarn stores and a couple quilting stores in Tulsa, I abstained from the temptation (uggggggghhhh--it hurt! But if I go into a yarn shop, I experience short term memory and wake up with a serious yarn hangover...with skeins of sock yarn lying about..it is a nasty little secret of mine...I tell myself I can handle just holding the skein, and then before I know it, I wake up with strange yarn...I'm so ashamed...okay, maybe not SOOOO ashamed, but I probably should be.).

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