Thursday, June 21, 2007

Thursday meanderings....

It has been an interesting week. We learned that the flooding on the back patio area was due to some fancy "rigging job" someone did in an attempt to prevent from having to clean the area under the sump pump out annually...the plumber found the problem quickly after snaking the outside drains and then coming in to look at the sump pump..I can't even describe the creativity involved in the original fix, but suffice it to say, after removing literally a foot of silt from the basement sump pump area with a shop vac, it now drains as it is supposed to. The sloping hill issue is going to be corrected this weekend, which will prevent the washout silt. That and a diversion of the drain pipe will alleviate the problem. We are learning little by little....This weekend we get to go out there and fix all the issues. I am ready to get it cleaned up--we've had quite a bite of rain, which equals quite a bit of standing water, which in turn left quite a good degree of silt. I am having visions of pots of petunias, begonias and ferns being sprinkled around that area liberally!

I have the sock knitting class tomorrow--I am psyched! It is on circulars. I have done soooo little knitting in the past year that it is pretty shameful. I am working on an area in our reading room where I can have a stash of yarn handy whenever I am in the mood. Since everything is still packed in boxes, it can be a challenge to find the yarn I need! I'm working on that...slowly but surely. I guess I have been more of an armchair knitter. And I have really become entranced with quilting. That would greatly amuse the high school home ec teacher that tried to teach me how to sew....

I finally went over to the junior college and signed up for two classes in the fall. Since oldest is going to Iowa to live, we will not have to pay his tuition for a year. That's how long it takes to establish residency..... we just can't swing out of state tuition. We'll pay for it once he gets in state my friend says "if it lasts that long".... I was in favor of them just visiting each other a couple times and figuring out the rest once they met face to face....they met over the Internet and are going to move in a parent, that is scary. I know you can meet someone face to face and they still turn out to be scary-crazy (it's not like I don't actively work the cases like that when I do the domestic violence docket), but.......

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