Saturday, December 30, 2006

Breakfast of Champions

Oh My Gosh! This is what I made today from the current issue of Tea Time magazine. The only changes that I made were that the glazed one in the front are simply cinnamon scones with a powdered sugar glaze--my boys won't eat pecans. I doubled the recipe and put pecans in one batch for hubby and I. The recipe makes 8, but if you are counting, yes, three had been immediately consumed by kids and hubby. The honey cream recipe that goes on the pecan scones is really good. My only change was that I made it up the night before and put it in the fridge to give the flavors more time to blend....Since I used the whole grain white flour, they are at least better for you than doughnuts and they fill you up. Couple this with a cup of coffee by a local roaster in Wichita (Corsair) and it was a good start to the day. Except that my camera may have bit the dust after I took this picture...

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