Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Island Dreams...

It is 8 degrees outside.That would be OK if there were no wind,but this is Kansas...obviously staying inside and not braving the cold seems like a better option, however I am going to have to prepare myself to brave the elements and get out the door in just a little bit....I guess I shouldn't gripe too loud since they are getting FEET of snow in New York and other parts of the country. I get no sympathy from my relatives in Maryland..They figure if you can still see the top of your car, it's still a light snow..However, a fireplace sounds like such a good idea! Can you imagine that--I would never get out the door in the winter!
Didn't get to post pictures of my quilt color choices yesterday because I discovered that putting the recharging cable in your knitting bags is great IF YOU TAKE THE CORRECT KNITTING BAG TO WORK WITH YOU...I probably should consider not having more than one project bag going at a time, but that would make life so predictable.....tonight I will post pictures...(fingers crossed...)

More to come later--stay warm and drink good coffee!

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